Saturday, January 15, 2011

How My Garden Grows...

Most of my flower orders for this season are complete.  I cannot wait to see some of the new varieties that I am trying this year!  I have come to love nearly every aspect of garden...each year in college and since, I have seemed to appreciate something new -- perennials, hosta, grasses, trees, shrubs, evergreens, annuals...and while I always loved having a veggie garden while growing up, these past few years, I have especially found a love for having time to plant my own!

In flipping through the newest seed catalogs, I am getting very excited for my veggie garden!  The past couple years, I have focused on selling the crops that I grow.  This year, my retail focus is mostly on flowers and ornamentals.  That means that my fiance, Travis, my mom (we use her land for garden space - thanks, Mom!), and I will be able to eat and preserve *everything* that we grow! 
Last night, I ordered five different types of beans!... for fresh eating, cooking and drying!  The idea of making {my friend} Kelly's bean and rosemary recipe with mostly homegrown ingredients sounds wonderful to me!...especially next winter!  Also, we are going to try two varieties of edamame beans!  If we don't eat them all right away, we'll be able to freeze these for winter, too!

What else?  Well, there will be the usual...lettuce, spinach, radish, carrots, cabbage, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, kohlrabi, peas, cucumbers, zucchini, onions, tomatoes, peppers, squash, herbs and maybe some eggplant...

For now, to get my veggie gardening fix, I am going to start some celery seeds!...and get those cardoon seeds ordered.  I have never grown either...mostly because they need to be started indoors very early and it is always too late by the time that I remember.  Also, I think some fresh baby lettuce, spinach, and basil is definitely in order!

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